
Thursday, May 31, 2012

God's Precious Goodness

It has been a very long time since I last wrote on Irby Road. There has been a lot going on, I just haven't felt the need to write it on here. But I felt a need last night to communicate what happened. To communicate God's faithfulness and goodness in the midst of uncertainty is what this post is about.
This is our precious Adeline Faith. Last night after a walk in town I arrived at home with all three children. I put Adeline in her crib and gave Israel and Elijah a bath. While blow drying Israel's hair I heard a loud slam followed by a scream and then a cry. Israel and I both rushed into the nursery to find Adeline on her back screaming on the hardwood floor. "no God, please God, no God, please God..." I have no idea how it happened. She's only 7 months old but found her way up over the crib. "Do I pick her up? Is it okay?" went through my head. I decided to pick her up but was terrified of injuring her. She was very lethargic at this point and I tried to nurse her. She wouldn't nurse. Then she threw up and tried to fall asleep. Josh was at a meeting and I called him. No answer. Called again. busy. "Please God please God please God..." As I was crying and basically freaking out, I realized the effect it was having on my children, mostly Israel (age 6) who was sobbing. After finally getting in touch with Josh (who ran home) and Jill (who came with her husband Larry to stay with our kids so we could go to the hospital) I sat down with Israel and Elijah. I told them we needed to pray. Israel told me she was already praying. We then decided to pray together. That prayer time was incredible. We lifted our voices to Jesus to ask for healing and protection for little Addie. We prayed that He would give us peace. I heard from God in that moment that I needed to choose to trust in His goodness and trust His plan for Adeline's life...whatever that may hold. I was able to calm down after the choice to trust. The difficult choice was to accept God's good and perfect will for Adeline's life. After Josh and Jill and Larry arrived, Josh and I took Adeline to the hospital. Our friend Karmen met us there to help us translate. The whole way to the hospital while trying to keep Adeline awake Josh and I prayed specific prayers: That Adeline would be able to share her story one day of God's protection, that we would be seen by doctors who care and that we could trust. Adeline was seen almost right away. As soon as we put her on the examination table, she laughed! She woke from her drowsiness and was very happy...what a good sign! The doctors said everything looks "potpuno ok" (absolutely fine) and sent us to a neurologist to be sure. After being told to come home and monitor her all night, we arrived home, exhausted. But very happy and very thankful and trusting God's goodness. We continue to believe in the goodness of God even when our lives scream otherwise. God answered all our prayers this time in the way we wished. We had wonderful doctors who truly cared and were very good. We even got a parking spot right by the door! (If you know Kosevo hospital in Sarajevo, that is huge in itself) I'm looking right now at a happy, cheerful Adeline. My heart rejoices. And yes, for those wondering...we lowered the crib two notches :) THank you for all who prayed last night (for those who knew) We are very grateful.
